

I've got my own blog now, try to post whenever something cool happens, or if I just want to talk about my emotions!


Started preparing for my trip these days, I'm going to the USA too kayak the Grand Canyon!
This fall I was so lucky to get an invitation from a friend, who was going on the trip. And for everybody who has ever seen Grand Canyon, or at least a picture knows that this is a once in a life time. I'm leaving the 28th of January, and returning to Norway the 20th February I think.
First a day or two in Las Vegas. then heading to flagstaff and making sure everythings set for the trip. Then two weeks on the river, and hopefully some skiing before departure.


1 comment:

  1. Jeg er klar for mer snakk om følelser enn selve turen jeg, altså. Og ihvertfall klar for mer dårlig engelsk, can't wait!
