

After being 10 minutes late for checkin in London, we missed our flight to Las Vegas..
That sucked bigtime, and the last day we've been touring London, waiting for our new flight today. Doing some necessary shopping etc. We've got no time when we get to Las Vegas, have rented a car online and are driving to location right away, hopefully we'll get there in time.
Not sure if I'll get online before we put in on the river, if not I'll be back in 2 weeks!



3 days

Feeling stressed. Only 3 days left, and alot of missing pieces in the puzzle. What and how much to bring, is the question. Also, I have to choose what classes I'm having at school next year before I leave. And what the fuck, I've just gotten christmas presents. Hopefully I'll sort everything out.
Btw, pray for the dollar to go down..



By the way

Don't have any expectations about my english...


I've got my own blog now, try to post whenever something cool happens, or if I just want to talk about my emotions!


Started preparing for my trip these days, I'm going to the USA too kayak the Grand Canyon!
This fall I was so lucky to get an invitation from a friend, who was going on the trip. And for everybody who has ever seen Grand Canyon, or at least a picture knows that this is a once in a life time. I'm leaving the 28th of January, and returning to Norway the 20th February I think.
First a day or two in Las Vegas. then heading to flagstaff and making sure everythings set for the trip. Then two weeks on the river, and hopefully some skiing before departure.
