
Sjoa festival was sick

here's a link to a text from friflyt, check it out

Almost forgot

Going to Sjoa now, for the great big Sjoafestival, and this is will be my 5th year straight!
Kayakers from around the world meets in Sjoa for a week, gonna be good times for sure.


Ekstremsportveko this year was good chapter. Had a good time kayaking with friends you don't see that often. My performances was like a rollercoaster, somedays were supergood, and somedays I shouldn't even have been on the river. kickass kayaking during day, and good concerts afterwards is nothing to complain about. This years artist were Q-tip, Immortal technique and the norwegians in Datarock. Good times!

From Voss I went to Sjoa, where the nordic and national championship were held. Woke up sick day one, and was still sick day 3. My kayaking was not the best, but luckely not the worst either.
After a long day in the hole, bubblemachine( cause of to high water for eurowave) I ended up 4. in the nordic, and 2. in the nationals. That also means I'm going to Thun to participate in the Worlds in august.. Scary

Went home for a couple of days, and jumped on the train to kristiansand, and bus to evje for Mark Burtons wedding. kayaking in the morning, cakes in the afternoon and you know what comes after that. Congratulations, again!

here's some pictures from voss:

Oh yeah, I wrote this in a hurry!



Hell yeah. The first youngboaters in Hønefoss was cool. Water was low, but the sun was high. Right now I'm packing for a new 2 days of training in Kongsberg with Mariann, Tyler and the youngs.. I'm leaving directly from Kongsberg to Voss, for this years Ekstremsportveko! It will be my fourth year, and I'm superstoked on going this year! competitions..? We'll see!

From there the trip goes to skjåk and the eurowave. That's where the national championship will go down, for sure. I'll throw up some photos when I've got time, or at least I'll upload a bunch when I get back home!

have a kickass summer!


I'm back

Hasn't been any updates for a while, no big reason behind it. Hasn't been any kayaking since the Grand Canyon trip. The reason for that Norway is a pretty cold country, and it's been a LOT of school crap. After taking 1 month holiday from school too go kayaking, I needed to get back in class to catch up. And the big story from Canyon never got online, the reason for that the local newspaper wanted me to write them an article, so I sold it and it turned out great. I got a double A3 page before the trip, and a double A3 when I got home. People that I've just seen a couple of times before walk up to me with positive feedback. It's a great feeling.

And today it's seasonstart with a playboat trip to the local surfwave that come's up in the Glomma river every spring. The waterlevel has went up a lot the last days about 1650 now, so I'll post a picture of how it looks when I get back, meanwhile, this is how it looked on over 3000 last year. wich was a super high record! Feel the rape




Went skiing this weekend. Pow&park. Super good conditions.